Women’s Ministry at Redeemer
The women’s ministry at Redeemer exists to minister to and equip women in every season of life by challenging them to study and respond to God’s word, develop authentic relationships, and influence their homes, church, workplace, community and world for Christ.
The purpose of the Women’s ministry is that every woman know Christ personally and be committed to extending His kingdom in her life, home, church, community, and throughout the world.”
— Susan Hunt, WIC ConsultantChristian Education & Publications, Presbyterian Church In America
Bible Studies
Weekly Bible study opportunities are Monday evenings and Wednesday mornings. For more details on the current Bible study, click here.
It is our desire that all women in the church would form friendships and even more importantly, develop spiritual relationships that would challenge and encourage them as disciples of Christ. A variety of events are planned throughout the year to provide women with opportunities to fellowship and serve alongside each other.
As needs arise within the church body, the Women's Council looks for ways to meet those needs both spiritually, through prayer and encouragement, and physically, by providing meals, companionship, child care, transportation, household help, etc.
Retreats and Conferences
Each year we plan a conference to enable the women at RPC to grow in spiritual maturity, develop deeper relationships, and be refreshed for service. National conferences of the PCA are also open to the women of Redeemer.
Meet the Team
Linda Hatcher, Women’s Ministry Director
Sally Narveson, Women’s Ministry Bible Study Co-Director
Kristen Rendall, Women’s Ministry Bible Study Co-Director
Rebekah Litton, Women’s Ministry Fellowship Director
Kacie Schlater, Women’s Ministry Secretary
Debbie Monahan, Women’s Ministry Co-Director
Jill Ridout, Women’s Ministry Conference Director