Adult Bible Studies
Men’s Bible Studies
Friday Men’s Bible Study (weekly)
Join us on Friday mornings at 7 a.m. at Redeemer or on Zoom for a Men's Bible Study. Questions? Contact Bert Dreifuss at 919-880-6218 or isbert@gmail.com.
Wednesday Men’s Bible Study (weekly).
Beginning September 11
Join us on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. for a Men’s Bible Study.
Location: At Redeemer in Room B011 and B010.
For more details, contact Mike Newkirk here: email.
Monday Men’s Bible Study (weekly)
Join us on Mondays at 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. for a Men’s Bible Study.
Location: At Redeemer in the downstairs conference room.
For more details, contact John Whitesides at jgwhitesides3@gmail.com or (919) 697-6408.
Please note: Our Men’s Bible studies are meeting virtually as well as in person. To learn how to get connected to one of these groups, please contact the office.
To learn more about Men’s Ministry at Redeemer, follow the button below.
Please note: Sometimes these studies take a break for a holiday or other events. Be sure to check the calendar to confirm if the Bible study is meeting for the week.
Women’s Bible Study
This spring semester, our Women's Bible Study will be studying the Old Testament books of I and II Samuel.
These books open on the nation of Israel as it transitions from the period of the Judges to the time of kings. We will explore the idea of God's anointed one as it is seen through the flawed leaders of his chosen people. "The Book of 1–2 Samuel cultivates an expectation and longing for the coming Son of David who would establish his throne forever and usher in the eternal kingdom of peace and glory, an expectation that finds its fulfillment in Jesus Christ, the Son of David."
We hope you'll come as we join together to study and be encouraged by God's word this spring. Our first study will be on January 15 for Wednesday morning and January 20 for Monday evening.
* Please register even if you attended in the fall, as this will help us to properly plan.
Monday Evenings at 7 p.m. (Virtual & In-Person)
Wednesday Mornings at 9:30 a.m. (In-Person, childcare available with registration)
*All in-person groups meet at Redeemer.
To sign-up, click here.
Questions? Please contact the office at office@redeemerpca.net.
To learn more about Women’s Ministry at Redeemer, follow the button below.