Men’s Ministry at Redeemer
The goal of Men’s ministry at Redeemer is to help each other know and follow Jesus in our various roles as men, workers, friends, husbands, fathers, etc.
We desire to be actively involved in each other’s lives, as well as the community around us, through bible studies, service projects, retreats, athletic activities, training workshops, and informal gatherings.
Learning Together
Bible studies, annual men's retreat
Serving Together
Helping each other or someone in our community (with a move, cutting up downed trees, repainting a front porch, etc…)
Being Together
Corn-toss tournament, watching a big game, cookouts, going to a movie, annual men's retreat
Sports Together
A round of golf, pick up basketball games, ultimate frisbee, etc.
Mondays | 7:30 - 9:00 p.m.
Current Study: Hebrews
Location: At Redeemer in the 242 Room or one of the other upstairs classrooms.
Contact: John Whitesides at jgwhitesides3@gmail.com or (919) 697-6408.
Wednesdays | 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Beginning September 13.
Current Study: Sermon on the Mount
Location: At Redeemer in Room B011 and B010
Contact: Mike Newkirk at newkirk.mike@gmail.com
Fridays | 7:00 a.m.
Current Study: Isaiah
Location: At Redeemer & on Zoom
Contact: Bert Dreifuss at 919-880-6218 or isbert@gmail.com.