A Vision for Serving
Because Jesus serves, we serve.
For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and give his life as a ransom for many. Mark 10:45
Serving and helping other people is part of who we are as followers of Jesus, the servant King, not merely something we do or add on to our lives. The Bible calls us to service because Jesus came to serve and give His life to rescue His people. Seeing the poverty of our souls, Jesus becomes poor, so that we might become rich. Therefore, our service is motivated by gratitude not an effort to soothe a guilty conscience or to feel good about ourselves.
All are called to serve.
Serving isn’t the work of just a few in the church, but a calling for all of us. The Bible teaches that every member is necessary (1 Corinthians 12). We all have different skills and interests and limitations and only when each member is engaged and serving does the church flourish (Ephesians 4).
Discover how you can serve:
Serving the Church (Our Family)