Living a Deeply Rooted Life

May 20 - August 31

A Video from Pastor Dan

In this video, Pastor Dan shares details about his upcoming sabbatical.

Let’s Encourage Pastor Dan & Debbi

We have a fun and unique digital way to share a note of encouragement with Pastor Dan & Debbi while they are away.

You can upload a picture, write a note, share a scripture, or even upload a fun video!

If you’d like the link to do so, please contact the office at

Sabbatical FAQs

  • After a seminar on pastoral health at the General Assembly, the Session developed a sabbatical policy to proactively promote the long-term health of our pastoral staff. The idea of giving pastors extended time away is grounded in the biblical teaching of the Sabbath.

  • The theme was developed by Pastor Dan and a team of people from Redeemer as part of a grant proposal for the 2023 National Clergy Renewal Program funded by Lilly Endowment Inc. which Pastor Dan was awarded. The grant’s purpose is to provide experiences to foster renewal for pastors. The theme that provided direction for Pastor Dan’s time and for our congregational activities is “A Deeply Rooted Life: Rooted in Christ, Relationships, and History.”

    One major piece of the sabbatical will be an extended time traveling in England and Scotland with Debbi and AnGrace experiencing new places and visiting various church history sites. The end of the trip will slow down allowing time to be still, read, talk, and go for long walks. The rest of the summer will include a beach vacation with all his kids and grandkids, time with a mentor, hiking with old friends, and visiting with some of his siblings. After getting AnGrace settled in at college, Dan and Debbi will travel to California to see the redwoods in Humboldt National Forest, enjoying God’s creation and contemplating the next season of life as empty nesters. Throughout the sabbatical, Dan will be engaged with a sabbatical coach to help encourage renewal and reflection.

    While there will be some vacation time built into the summer, this is not merely an extended vacation. The difference between a vacation and a sabbatical is based on intent. A vacation is intended purely for relaxation and refreshment while a sabbatical is designed to include activities to renew a pastor’s heart for long-term ministry. A vacation is recreation; a sabbatical is focused renewal.

  • While on sabbatical, Pastor Dan will not be answering e-mails, texts, or phone calls. We want to assure you that the leadership of our church is committed to providing continued care and support for our congregation. We believe that the first level of care always begins in close relationships, whether it's within your small group, community group, or Bible study. In addition, each member has a designated shepherding elder who is available to offer pastoral care and support as needed. If any of you have questions, concerns, or simply need someone to pray with you, Ross, Garrett, the elders, and the deacons are here to walk alongside you through life's joys and challenges.

Deeply Rooted for the Congregation

The grant has allowed for some resources to help promote a deeply rooted life in Christ and relationships and history for the church as well. Please make use of these opportunities so that you may also experience rest and renewal this summer.

Rooted in Christ

Rooted in History

  • Send off and Welcome Back parties

Rooted in Relationships

  • Adult SS - English Reformation and Puritans

  • Children’s Sunday School - Reformation characters visit the classrooms

  • ABC’s of Reformation for kids

  • John Knox Biography

  • 5 Minutes of church history Podcast

  • Sermon Series: Life Together: Loving One Another as Jesus Loves Us

  • Summer Book Club

  • Resource: The Gospel of John - ESV Journals (Pastor Dan will be studying the Gospel of John on sabbatical.)

Preaching Schedule

May 26 | Sam Kennedy

June 2 | Ross Jelgerhuis

June 9 | Garrett Black

June 16 | Angus Macleod

June 23 | Ross Jelgerhuis

June 30 | Ross Jelgerhuis

July 7 | Skylar Adams

July 14 | Matt Mahla

July 21 | Ross Jelgerhuis

July 28 | Garrett Black

August 4 | Kris Cooper

August 11 | Ross Jelgerhuis

August 18 | Ross Jelgerhuis

August 25 | Churck Askew

September 1 | Ross Jelgerhuis

September 8 | Dan Seale

The Ruling Elders

Randy Buckwalter

Ken Coyer

Rob Helms

Dan Kemp

Dave Larsen

Bruce Narveson

Mike Newkirk

Tim Phillips

Sean Scott

Ivan Spronk

Steve Welsh

Redeemer Staff

Dan Seale, Senior Pastor,

(Dan will not be checking e-mails, returning texts or phone calls while on sabbatical,

May 20-August 31)

Ross Jelgerhuis, Associate Pastor,

Garrett Black, Assistant Pastor, Student Ministry,

Claire Weibking, Student Ministry Assistant,

Anna Baughman, Children's Ministry Coordinator,

Claire Anderson, Children's Ministry Coordinator Assistant,

Brook Hagan, Administrator,

Stay Connected

One of the best ways to stay connected this summer is by reading our weekly Friday e-newsletter. To sign up, visit here.