Sunday Morning Children’s Ministry
The nursery on Sunday morning cares for children from birth through age 3. Generally, we have the children divided into two groups: infants/crawlers and toddlers. Children are divided based on age appropriateness and number of children present.
Our nursery is staffed by volunteers, who are members and regular attendees of Redeemer. Each adult volunteer has completed a background check and has been approved and trained by the Children’s Ministry Team.
You will need to fill out an electronic questionnaire before leaving your child in the nursery, so that we will have adequate information to provide the best care for him or her. Stop by the Nursery Check-In Desk in the front foyer any time the nursery is open; any of our Nursery Coordinators will be glad to help you find the appropriate room for your child and can answer any questions you may have.
Please help us serve you better by taking steps to:
Make sure your child is well when using the Nursery - View our Wellness Policy
Label all items dropped off with your child including diaper bags, pacifiers, bottles, and cups, etc. Please send at least two diapers/pull-ups with your child.
Put your child's name tag on them when signing in your child. If you are new to the Nursery, we will make a name tag for you.
Remember to feed your child before dropping them off in the Nursery. We will bottle feed infants as instructed and a snack is provided for toddlers.
Remember that only parents will be allowed to pick up children from the Nursery and you need to present a copy of your child’s printed name tag and pager before we will release your child to you.
Nursery Coordinator:
Morgan Slate
Children’s Church
Children ages 3- Kindergarten are dismissed during the “song of preparation” (right before the sermon) for this optional time. Children’s Church is designed to help young children, who are not yet ready to sit still during the entire service to learn how and why we love and worship God. An elder will teach a short lesson from the Scripture reading during the service, and then teachers will lead the children in singing, prayer, memorizing Scripture, and instruction on worship.
Children’s Church meets in Room 1. Please be sure to take your child to the restroom prior to class. Your child’s teacher will sign him/her into class when you arrive. Please be sure to return to the room to pick your child up soon after the service ends.
Children’s Church Coordinator:
Sunday School
All of our Sunday School classes meet from 9:00-9:45 a.m. The children's Sunday School time is devoted to the study of God's word with a two-fold purpose. Students will grow in their knowledge of who God is and what His plan is for His people. They will also grow in their readiness to live out their faith in God's world.
Sunday School classes for children ages 2 years old – 6th Grade use the curriculum, Show Me Jesus. Show Me Jesus is a Biblically grounded curriculum that teaches all of Scripture as the unfolding story of salvation, with Jesus as its focus. Beginning with the very youngest children (ages 2 & 3) learning basic Bible vocabulary, to the older children (5th/6th Grade) completing a Bible survey from Genesis to Revelation, the children learn the common thread of God’s covenant tying the Bible together. The toddler class learns songs, verses and Bible Stories that are age appropriate and which give them a foundation to understand God’s love and care for His people.
For more detailed information about the curriculum, and to see the scope and sequence, please visit Great Commission Publication's website here.
Class Locations:
3-year-old class
PreK/K class
1st & 2nd grade class
3rd & 4th grade class
5th & 6th grade class
Sunday School Coordinator
Pam Rein