Living in Light of the Resurrection
By: Dan Seale
Busy. That’s how many of us would describe our life pre-COVID-19. There were so many things we would do IF we had the time - volunteer more, relax more, play more, exercise more, read more, be with the family more etc. While life at home has been busier for some who have to juggle work and schooling children, most of us have some extra time on our hands. How have you used that extra time? Have you made time for the things you always dreamed of doing if you were not so busy? Using our time so that we flourish as image-bearers of God is challenging no matter what your circumstances of life are.
Two single men I asked about life in the pandemic spoke to the issue of time. “I’m amazed at where and how I am allowing ‘my’ time to be spent. I struggle to impose structure and discipline when there are fewer outside forces imposing structure. “
The other said, “Since most of my normal activities have been canceled and I don’t have my usual schedule, I have to think more about what I should be doing on a daily basis.”
I think all of us wrestle with how to best use our time so that we flourish as people and so that we live for the glory of God. It’s so easy to think in terms of ‘my’ time and ‘my life’ and forget we are stewards of all that the Lord has given us, including our time and our lives.
One thing both men have continued to do with their time is to remain connected to the Lord and to his people through community group and Bible study. We need one another to walk through life, even if we can’t be face to face. The Apostle Paul often had to write letters to shepherd and care for those he loved. Yes, Zoom calls are getting old, but they are a helpful but lacking substitute to be physically present with people
This interruption of our time can serve as a helpful reset and ask ourselves some important questions:
What is most important to you?
(Prayerfully make a list of what matters most in various areas of life)
Social / emotional
How will you prioritize your time as life begins to re-open?
What pre-pandemic activities do you want to cut out or cut back?
What current activities do you want to protect as you begin to fill your schedule?
We only have so much time so we must choose wisely. Somethings will have to be sacrificed for the sake of others. What matters most? Paul encourages the Ephesians to choose the way of wisdom and love God, obey his will, and encourage other believers, always giving thanks for the work of Jesus in your life. How we spend the hours of our day may look different, but Paul gives us some guiding principles as we decide what matters most.
“Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
— Ephesians 5:15-20